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Support from the community!

PSPMI gives a platform for organizations to support their project managers and program managers as they get certified. This gives them an opportunity to connect with other organizations and new talent in the community.


Project Highlight

Redirecting customer sponsor benefits during the pandemic. 


UX lead- identifying the problem, strategizing execution, designing influential UI

Design Platform

Website design- Live


Completed in 8 weeks


With the changing times of COVID-19, in-person events were canceled and it was important for us to update the sponsorship information.


The website had illegible pictures and charts that did not have useful information. Customers did not know what benefits PSPMI offered and there was no way to contact a representative.


Business goal:  Attract more sponsors and partners.




Through multiple discussions and user research, it was evident that there was irrelevant information and users looked for ways to contact us but left midway.


Along with my product manager Anca Isbasoiu, I defined the goal, strategized the execution, and proposed designs incorporating the PMI brand.

Group 749@3x.png


Working sessions

sponsorship flow.png

User flow reflecting research  data and analysis

contact us form.png

Contact page design

sample page.png

Sponsorship page design

sample page – edited after Sponsorship m

Banner design

Sponsor display design

Footer design

Button design

Final page design

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